Quality Assurance & Safety Management System
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd maintains a documented Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of International Standard 9001.
The purpose of this Quality Management System is to consistently provide products that meet customer and regulatory requirements, to enhance customer satisfaction and continually improve the effective application of the system and processes.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd has been certified by BSI to ISO 9001 Quality Management under certificate number FS 605135.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd is committed to developing and maintaining the highest practicable standards of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Management for its employees and any other people who may be affected by our business operations.
It is the objective of the company to ensure that:
CSS will achieve these objectives by working together with all employees in the planning, implementing and maintenance of an effective Occupation Health and Safety Management System, that takes into account all Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd develops and documents Procedures and Risk Assessments for all processes undertaken by its employees and any other people who may be affected by our business operations at any of our facilities or in the field.
Where a Special Project is undertaken by CSS on behalf of a customer, CSS can develop and document the required Procedures, Work Instructions, Safety Rules and detailed Risk Assessments to ensure the safety and security of both people, products and the environment.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd maintains a documented Quality Management System in accordance with the requirements of International Standard 9001.
The purpose of this Quality Management System is to consistently provide products that meet customer and regulatory requirements, to enhance customer satisfaction and continually improve the effective application of the system and processes.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd has been certified by BSI to ISO 9001 Quality Management under certificate number FS 605135.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd is committed to developing and maintaining the highest practicable standards of Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Management for its employees and any other people who may be affected by our business operations.
It is the objective of the company to ensure that:
- All workplace hazards are identified, the associated risks assessed and the appropriate measures introduced to control these risks.
- Employees are consulted on all OH&S issues relevant to them.
- It observes industry best practice in OH&S standards to fulfil its statutory duties.
- All work systems, plant and substances are subjected to testing and comprehensive risk management processes prior to their introduction.
- All employees and contractors are appropriately trained, supervised and provided with adequate information in order to undertake their duties safely and without risk to the health and welfare of themselves and others.
- All visitors to the workplace are briefed on Safety Procedures and the use of any necessary protective equipment.
- All accidents, incidents or near misses are reported and the circumstances investigated and recorded, and appropriate measures taken to prevent a recurrence.
- An evacuation procedure, in case of an emergency is maintained and assessed on a regular basis.
CSS will achieve these objectives by working together with all employees in the planning, implementing and maintenance of an effective Occupation Health and Safety Management System, that takes into account all Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
Combat Simulation Systems (Aust) Pty Ltd develops and documents Procedures and Risk Assessments for all processes undertaken by its employees and any other people who may be affected by our business operations at any of our facilities or in the field.
Where a Special Project is undertaken by CSS on behalf of a customer, CSS can develop and document the required Procedures, Work Instructions, Safety Rules and detailed Risk Assessments to ensure the safety and security of both people, products and the environment.